Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weekend with Gigi and family

Well, it was a great weekend for MANY reasons! The first reason is that Gigi came for a visit! Graham had a lot of fun with his Gigi and thought she was very funny. Graham is becoming so much more verbal and we had a lot of fun listening to Graham "talk". Gigi was amazed at how much Graham has grown and what he can do since she saw him 3 weeks ago.

Gigi was very kind and took us shopping! Graham ended up with his very own Bumbo seat, which he still needs a little help with. He's getting stronger and can sit in his seat on his own longer each time he tries it. It's amazing what babies can do in a just a few days! We are working on keeping that head nice and round. =) More tummy time and a Bumbo seat should help with that!

Last Thursday night we hung out with Aunt Anna and Uncle Andy. We ate dinner at yummy Mez and then headed back to their condo. This was Graham's first encounter with Zoro and Gia, their chiuahuas. The doggies were quite interested in this tiny person and it went well! We'll see what they think of Graham as he gets bigger and bigger...The dogs could have been smelling a dirty diaper too! Nothing like getting your diaper changed on a granite countertop- very fancy. =)

My mother is also the queen of shopping at Marshalls. She got her picture taken by a Marshalls store in Puerto Rico and now she is starting a new trend of pictures at different Marshalls around the world. Add Chapel Hill to the list... =)

Thanks for visiting us Gigi! We love having visitors and look forward to many more friends headed this way this spring. =)

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