Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Visitors! 14 weeks

March has absolutely FLOWN by! One reason is that Graham is growing and changing so much! He sleeps 11 hours at night, can hold his head up much better when on his tummy, and he laughs now!!! He first laughed at his Daddy when he was playing with his arms, then Aunt Silly when she was being, well...silly, and then Mommy as I fake-laughed with him! Now he laughs almost daily. It's wonderful. =) I'm not going to lie...I had tears in my eyes when he laughed at me. The best prize in the world.
The other reason is that we've had some wonderful friends come and visit us and there are more to come! Adam has been doing his final rotation in Dunn, NC Monday-Thursday for 4 weeks so I've had a few friends come to keep Graham and I company. It's been so nice.

My best friend from high school came out to visit on March 13th. It was so good to visit with my "Snuggs" and let her love on my sweet baby Graham. She's so stinkin' cute! Adam, Emily, and I had a wonderful weekend despite the rainy, cold NONSTOP weather. We headed downtown to visit with Anna and Andy. Graham laughed for the 2nd time at his Aunt Silly. Boy is she a silly one and boy does Graham love her. We had a good time just hanging out and talking. Miss and Love you Emily!!!

I guess I also need to mention why Graham has a bandaid on. =( Let's just say Mommy got a little too close when cutting Graham's fingernails. He let out a tiny yelp and then no crying. PHEW! I felt guilty enough. Adam made a mini bandaid for Graham and he wasn't quite sure what to do with the funny thing on his finger.

One week later my best friend "B" from college came out to visit on March 20th. We had much better weather and enjoyed walking around the beautiful Duke Gardens, had a wild goose chase in downtown Raleigh, and ate some VERY yummy cupcakes. Here is Daddy and his baby by a HUGE Loblolly Pine Tree. Graham also had his very first bus ride on an electric bus! Funny moments happened and let's say I almost stuck my foot in my mouth big time!
On the way home from the Gardens, Graham was getting a little fussy so B asked if I had a pacifier for him. Now, most every other time he just plays with the passy and spits it immediately back out... but Brooke had the magic touch! He liked his passy for the 1st time and actually used it the whole car ride back! Crazy. =) My mom said I didn't take a pacifier until I was 3 months old...I guess Graham is like his Mom. Thanks B!

More pictures to Mom, "Gigi", is visiting us this week! =) Hotel Hubert is in full swing. Any and all are welcome. =)

1 comment:

Erin said...

love all the new pics and i am so glad that you have had so many visitors! 11 hours - wahoo!! how wonderful is taht?! i told you it would happen! yeah for graham - oh and don't feel bad about the nail trimming thing - i did it too and felt HORRIBLE!