Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our growing 2 year old!

A few more pictures from Graham's firetruck birthday! He LOVES to blow out candles! He's been practicing for weeks...He got to blow out his birthday candle with ice cream. Grandma Rosie couldn't make it to the birthday party because of the winter storm, so just ice cream and cookies!

His firetruck birthday cake made by Great-Grandma Rosie. She is "famous" for making tasty, cute birthay cakes. Thanks for making Graham's cake! We loved tasty!

Excited for another round of happy birthday and candle blowing!

Go Colts! We think the Colts won their game today because we were all decked out in our Colts gear! .

Are you impressed with my "large-ness"? TWO almost full grown babies in there!

Tomorrow I go to see Dr. Ramsey...again. I see her more often than I see most of my friends! We have an ultrasound appt and then "the talk" with Dr. Ramsey to see what she thinks about the timeline of this pregnancy. We are all thrilled with how everything has gone, and now we wait. How much longer??? We will see! Trying to be patient for God's timing on this one, but maybe He wants me to use the help of some meds to get things moving.
This weekend has been a funny weekend though. Productive Friday (thought process,"I can wait a few more days", SUPER GROUCHY SATURDAY (thought process,"For the LOVE get these children OUT", and a productive Sunday (thought process, "Well if I have to wait, I have to wait". No/little sleep equals a Sarah even I don't want to be around. Sorry to anyone who interacted with me on Saturday- ha! I got great sleep on Saturday night though and today has been good! Go figure. Makes me nervous for the next several months of no sleep again...sorry hubby, in advance.
I keep telling Adam that I'm the one that's supposed to be nesting, but I think it's his turn! He has been Mr. Organization. He cleaned our kitchen thoroughly today, reorganized our entire pantry/laundry area, got rid of expired spices and cleaned out the junk drawer. It's pretty cute; he keeps walking into the pantry area and saying, "Dang, that looks good!".
Graham has also been showing off his smarts to us! We were in the car on Friday night and Graham kept talking over and over. We finally listened to him and he kept saying, "Daddy, Adam. Mama, Sarah." He learned our names and wanted us to know it. =) We also wanted to note that Graham's first time to use the word "mean" came out tonight. Graham hit Adam when Adam told him no about something, and so we decided to instill timeout for the first time. It took several times of Adam putting him back in the same spot for him to get it. He was crying for me, but after about 45 seconds decided that it was worth it to say "sorry" to Daddy. Then he wanted a snack, so I put him in his high chair. He looked at Adam and as serious as can be said, "Mean. Daddy mean." Oh man! How does he know that word? Graham also knows how to use scissors already! Crazy! I've shown him how a few times with my craft scissors because he has been interested, and then tonight at my parents house I watched him make cuts in paper with the bubble scissors! So big, my two year old. He loves to learn. =) 75th percentile for both height and weight at his check up on Friday. Healthy as can be! We are proud of you buddy, even if we get called "mean" every now and then. =) I guess that means we are doing our job, huh?

1 comment:

Corbin and Quincy said...

lookin' good mamma! cant believe graham is two!