Sunday, December 5, 2010

The "fun" in my life!

For being on semi-bedrest, we have been able to do some very fun things in the past week and a half for my "outings"! 34 1/2 weeks currently and holding strong! For a month, I've been worried about going into labor too early. Now, I'm worried I'll be pregnant forever!!! =) Actually, so grateful to still be pregnant. People ask me what week I'd like to make it to and I guess my answer is past 36 weeks, since that is "full term" for twins, even though the longer they are in there, the better! Graham turns 2 on December 11, so how about sometime at the end of that next week? My older sister claims December 18...we'll see! The Hadi Shrine circus- a Thanksgiving classic for our family! Graham loved it!

34 weeks pregnant and ready for the Carrie Underwood concert! Dr. Ramsey cleared me to go as long as I stayed hydrated and off my feet the rest of the day. =) Worth it!

Me and my HEAVY babies!

Go Carrie! She had a cool set with lots of tricks. =)

Right before we left the concert...made it most of the way!

At Kristyn's surprise 30th birthday party! Thanks to her parents for a fun night!

Anyone with a Christmas Eve birthday deserves a few special parties to make up for getting jipped the rest of the birthdays! (Might be the twins...)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Sarah, only you would look that beautiful in their third trimester carrying twins! :)