Wednesday, August 25, 2010

this season of "Mama" life

Sometimes it just hits me that I'm going to have 2 more little peanuts SOON in my life. I love Graham with a fierceness that I didn't think was possible and I can't wait to have TWO more little people to love like that. I know the last few months of pregnancy are going to be hard. I know that the next few months after that will be even harder, but shame on me if I ever start to complain. I LONGED to be a mother for so long before Graham. God blessed us doubly (and quickly) this time with the twins and I want to always be so grateful for them. I would do anything for my Graham and I know it will be the same for Baby A and Baby B. So for now...I will not get overwhelmed with the amount of things I need to do in th next few months. I will relish this time and remember to count my blessings each day. God has provided for our family again and again and again and again and.........!

This is my life and I love it!
-Good looking, hard working, VERY loving husband and father
-Adorable, smart, Mama's boy, FUNNY baby Graham
-2 peas in the pod!
-Amazing sisters and sister and brother in laws
-Parents and in-laws that provide unending help and unconditional love that live nearby!

I could go on and on...I am blessed, and Lord I do not take this for granted! Thank you!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I loved reading this! You are a great mama and graham is blessed! i am so excited for your new additions! love that you are taking it day by day!