Monday, August 16, 2010

It's a...

BOY and a GIRL! WE ARE SO SO THRILLED! If we could have picked, we would have chosen this combo. =) What a blessing to see both of our babies growing so strong and healthy. They both weighed 8 oz, which was slightly small (but normal due to my stomach flu week). Back to eating lots of good food and gaining weight.

Below is a picture of me at 17 weeks 6 days.

As you can see, Graham is THRILLED about being a big bro. =)

This past weekend we headed to Barkley Lake with the Huberts, my parents, and David and his girlfriend Lauren. We had a great time, even though our child is as far from a little fishy as he could be. That boy just does not like water all that much. He enjoys his bath and that's about it. I would say he tolerates the pool and was downright scared of the lake. made a hot weekend even hotter sitting in the boat trying to convince Graham to GET IN THE WATER! We made him a few times just to cool him off, but he was always happy to get back in the boat. Luckily naptime gave us both a good excuse to go back to the house and take a nap. One early morning, Graham was sleeping in my twin bed with me bc he woke up too early and I wasn't ready to get up!!!! I realized that there were 4 people in that bed: Me, Graham and the twins! =) I'm sure that won't be the last time I have all 3 kids in bed with me. Below is a picture of the party animals! Like father like son.

Graham loved to drive the boat with G-pa!

Dad attempted to ski and torn a hamstring muscle. He could barely walk at first so the guys had to use a wheel barrel to get him off the dock and up to the car.

Waiting for Daddy to turn on the air conditioning in the car. Heading back for naptime! I think it took (literally) 20 sec for him to fall asleep in the car.

Friday night we headed to Patti's to eat! Oh yummy in my tummy. Makes me want some steak and shrimp right now. =) Graham had a blast walking around outside and found a teeter totter. He rode it first with Uncle David and Lauren and then with Mimi and Gigi. Belly laughs!!!

This picture cracks me up bc it describes a lot of our weekend! Nooooooooo! Graham is so in a "no" mode right now. I'm thinking he got quite spoiled during his bout of diarrhea and now we are having to break some bad habits.

New jammies! Graham picked them out- thanks Gigi!

New jammies for me! Adam told me the night before that I looked like I belonged on that people of Wal-mart email with my mis-matched pjs. Punk. So I got a foot massage and new jammies. =) He's got to like these, right?

Happy in his bed with a passy. The passy are banned to the bed (hopefully from now on) and so he is enjoying some passy time.

Reading the Bible before bedtime. Graham likes to spot Jesus and the "man". The man is Paul. haha. My lap is getting smaller!


Kristi said...

Hi Sarah! My name is Kristi Powell. I have had lots of people ask,"Did you know Sarah Hubert is having twins???" I guess they think we know each other. I taught Kdg at Prairie Trace last year and attend Northview, so I guess we know lots of the same people! I saw your blog linked from someone else's page and decided to take a look. I see that you are having a boy and a girl! Congrats!

Just wanted to say that I am super excited for you! Twins are SO fun- and ours aren't even home yet! They were born at 33 1/2 weeks on July 26 so they are still in the NICU. Both are 5 1/2 lbs though and should be home very soon. We can't even imagine the joy when we get to bring them home!

Twin pregnancies are not easy, but well worth it. I will keep you in my prayers- it's funny how you wind up feeling this little "connection" to other twin families. :)

Take care! Many blessings to you and your family!!!

Lindsay said...

Sarah, you are officially the cutest pregnant lady ever! :) Love the new pj's! I hope you are feeling well and having fun coming up with names!!