Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 months

Well, it's been a big week! I turned 30! Adam had a little surprise shin-dig for me with family and some friends. I really was surprised and I think I am hard to surprise, so good job hubby. I had accidentally left the camera card out so we don't have any pics. Boo. It was a nice birthday and I love where I am at in life right now. I feel like an accomplished 30 year old. =) Tucker started laughing and 2 days later Loey Kate laughed too. (12 weeks old) Tucker likes to have little "conversations" with me right after eating. Love his coos and ahhs! He has the creamiest, smoothest skin in the world! Tucker is still heavier than Loey, even though he is skinnier. Loey smiles with her whole face. Her cheeks are squishy and edible! She has dainty feet and almost no neck, haha. She's my tiny girl, but looks bigger than Tucker bc of her rolls! Loey rolled over 2x tonight! I thought Adam was kidding me at first, but I ran to get the video camera and she did it again! I think being a little squirt helps her out. Quite the strong abs 13 weeks They are improving ever so slightly with their nap schedules, but the night time is still random. Some nights they go for 6 hour stretches and others they want to eat every 3-4. I've made it my "rule" that I'm not feeding them before 4 hours. Here is a our "schedule-ish" right now for 3 months: 6:30/7:00 wake up and eat then bouncy seat time while Graham and I eat breakfast 8:15 back down for morning nap 1 1/2-2 hours 10:00 eat and usually run errands so napping in car seats out and about 1:00 eat 2:30 nap 1 1/2-2 hours 4:00 eat 5:30 short 30 min nap 6:00 awake time while we eat dinner 7:00 feed, bath 7:30 or 8:00 bed time! 10:00 dream feed Up one time to eat between 2 and 4 am I have worked hard to get them on the same schedule and they mostly are! We follow the rule of one up, both up. Or one gets sleepy, then both go down. It is working slowly. The days that are off really drive me bonkers. There are only so many times I can run in and replace pacis before going nuts! Graham knows the drill: If a baby keeps crying before nap time is over I run in to give that baby a paci or put him/her in the swing. He'll tell me, "Mom, baby crying. Go get paci." Graham has upped his two year old temperament lately. He is in time out daily. I have to pick him up off the floor, crying daily. He is either good as gold, or in melt down mode! Luckily, if we are out, he is usually good as gold! He likes to save the tantrums for home, which is better. Today he put himself in timeout bc he hit me while I was nursing the babies and I told him that when I finished he was in time out. (Automatic time out for hitting) He went ahead and walked over to the corner on his own. When he is not acting out, he is SO DELIGHTFUL! HE is so incredibly verbal and knows about 100 songs. He sings all the time. He loves to read books still and likes to read to me and the babies when I'm feeding them. He is addicted to TV and we plan on "weaning" him off of it a bit this summer. He got used to it when I couldn't move while pregnant and now with nursing. His favorites are still Barney, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Blues Clues, Chuggington, and The Cat and the Hat. He also newly likes Imagination Movers! Well I'm off to bed! Just wanted to document a few things before my children grow up on me! Pics to come...

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