Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's better than being 10 weeks old? Being 11 weeks old!

Still might be a tad early for the bumbo seats. =) They lasted a few minutes though!

The first weekend of March was great! Aunt Becky came to visit us. Becky lives in CO so we rarely get to see her, so it was a treat. She got to enjoy her new niece and nephew. =) We love you Aunt Becky!

Mr. Graham really loves his Aunt Becky and wishes she lived closer. (tug at your heart, Becky!) =)

Graham had to show Aunt Becky how he knows all 26 letters and sounds. Graham is very interested in letters these days and always asks us to spell out words. He is really good at picking out the beginning sounds in words as well. I'm so glad he loves to learn!!!

Melt, my heart sweet, Tucker! Love that smile!!!

My boys

Its kinda like a sleep mask...hahaha!

Sleeping makes Mommy and I happy!

Happy 11 weeks babies! This week I have seen a big improvement in your pleasant awake time, your ease in falling asleep at nap time (now STAYING asleep is another story), finding a good consistent bedtime, and only waking up 1 time at night to eat. That makes me happy!
Here's to making it through the first few months! Not going to lie...glad we survived and are looking forward to spring.

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