We have turned a corner! The twins are 14 weeks and are now consistently just waking up to eat one time. Phew! =) They have gone a few nights with 8 hour stretches and we are hoping to extend that each week. Naps have really improved this past week. They are not "perfect" naps, but I don't have robot children either so I'll take what they are doing. Right now they take 3 1/2 naps. The 3 naps are about 1 1/2 hours each and the 1/2 is a 20 min powernap around dinner time. All naps start out in the crib and sometimes one or both twins end up in the swing if they wake up too early. They are heading to bed between 7 and 8 each night (unless we have them out with us at small group or something) but that has been working well. I'm learning to run errands during the 2nd nap time frame, that way if they don't sleep very long while we are running errands, they still have a 3rd nap to make it up. I know this will all change next week, but it's going well now! We have also started to call Tucker "Houdini". We swaddle the twins still and he is daily busting out of his. The problem with this is that he cries and wakes himself up when not swaddled. The swaddle and the pacifier are my saving graces when it comes to sleep and I don't want to give either up yet. I know I can't swaddle them forever, but for tonight, that is still the plan! Since they have turned 3 months, I am finally to that point where I could just eat them up. I have loved my kids from the second they were born, but for those first 12 weeks they were just WORK. Now I'm getting some fun times mixed in with the work. I love feeling like I can do this, even though I have daily challenges that arise with a toddler and twins. My house is messier than it ever has been (and stays that way longer than I would like) but I figure I'd rather sit and do puzzles with Graham while cooing and singing with babies than clean up the family room. Again. Plenty of time for that!
Graham is my buddy and I love having my days with him. He challenges me daily, hourly, but he is my child. That boy cracks me up too! The sentences he comes up with now are precious.
He's into identifying what belongs to girl and boys. He love to sort laundry with me and make piles for Loey Kate, Tucker, and himself. He cracks up when he puts something of Tuckers in his pile and holds it up. "Nooo...too small for Graham". He refuses to take a bath in my bathroom bc that bathtub is for "girls".
He says in the funniest voice, "Babies can't walk". Which is what I tell him all the time when he wants me to carry him when I have to carry the twins.
He's been telling Kittygirl that she's a good boy.
He tells us that he misses us and gives hugs and I love you's on his own now. He asks me to snuggle with him in his bed. (Love that!)
He's obsessed with the book, "Where do Balloons Go? An uplifting mystery" by Jamie Lee Curtis.
We sing "God is Bigger than the Boogey Man" before bed each night (from Veggie Tales)
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