Thursday, September 16, 2010

Will all my children be curly heads???

Sorry for the odd title...Just a random thought I was having. =)

Hiding from Mommy!


A little raspberry bedtime snack, and he discovered the "hole" in the berry!

22 1/2 weeks pregnant and just starting to really feel uncomfortable...

Much better with the shirt DOWN. =)

Graham's first experience with playdough. HE LOVED IT! I'm trying to think of more activities to do with him that involve me getting to sit. =)

UH-OH- Mommy's guitar fell apart. Guaranteed Daddy will make much better guitars. =)
Well, as of today I am 23 weeks pregnant. As I look ahead to the next 3ish months, I get so nervous about the changes my body is going to go through. I feel at least 30 weeks pregnant. My back hurts. I have vericose veins that throb on my lower right leg. I'm not able to carry Graham anymore without feeling pain. I feel a little trapped inside because it's no fun to go out and walk around anymore; so much pelvic pressure. I have a LOVELY back brace and leg stocking that my husband laughs at. Exercise classes have diminished to just aqua classes; Me and the old ladies. Ahhhhh. I know I am whining and I will stop because I really want these two little babies and can't wait to meet them! It's just going to be slightly more physically challenging than I guessed it would have been. I need to call the dr. tomorrow because the past 2 nights I've been having painful tightening in my lower abdomen. My guess is Braxton Hicks because it's always neear the end of the day/dinner time and they stop mostly when I sit down. It feels like the baby girl is trying to push her head directly out of my stomach and my ligaments aren't liking that feeling!
We might possibly be buying a used mini-van this weekend and my next goal is to order Graham's big boy bed. It's getting too difficult for me to get him in and out of the crib so we need to start this transition more for me than him! The Mothers of Multiples yard sale is also tomorrow so I'm making a list of things I'm hoping to find. It's funny how with the first child, everything is new and pretty and matchy-matchy.'s whatever we can get our hands on! Used, new, old, name it. We are so grateful for the help from so many people already. It's kinda like once you are having twins, mothers of twins come out of the woodwork to help you out. It's a club. Not a club I expected to be in, but one I'll gladly be in! I do feel so blessed to be getting TWO babies at one time. =)
If you think of it- please say a prayer for my husband too! His life is about to change even more now that I'm dwindling away to basic jobs around here. He's such a good helper and wonderful Dad.
How does Octo-Mom do it???!!!???!!!


Erin said...

You are amazing and you'll be an amazing mom of twins plus Graham! I can't wait to see their cute faces. I know that I am uncomfortable so I can' timagine how you feel! I'll be praying for you!!!! Love ya, girl!

Michelle said...

Sarah! I keep meaning to stop over to your blog and say congrats! I love the tummy and i love that it is TWINS! You and Adam are creating quite the little clan over there :) God's richest blessings on the Happy Huberts!