Success! Prayer & prune juice & bribery seem to be the tricks! On Tuesday morning, Adam told Graham that if he pooped that day he would buy him a car when he turned 16! haha. Graham took that to heart and gave me a nice present while driving around in the car. All of a sudden I smelled this "dead skunk" smell coming from the back of the car and I hoped that it was a diaper present. We raced home and lo and behold- the stinkiest poo ever was in his diaper! Luckily it was not a blow-out but definitely in the "sludge" category. It's amazing what a little rice cereal will do to the consistency of poo. Now that I've thoroughly grossed you out, here are a few cute before and after pics of Graham eating rice cereal.
A Letter
6 years ago
adorable and SO glad it came out. I remember when hope's did after the sappository and i was like SICCCCCKKK!!! have a great time on your trip this weekend. yeah, we're pretty pumped about ours!
love that boy!
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