Monday, December 22, 2008

Road Trip!

If someone would have told me that I would be attempting a very long road trip with a 1 1/2 week old baby a little while ago, I would have told them they were nuts! BUT lo and behold...tomorrow we are venturing out to cold, cold IN. We are going to make the trip in 2 days, hopefully making it to Nashville, TN to stay with our wonderful friends, Jordan and Bethany Roe tomorrow night, and then heading to Evansville on Christmas Eve morning. Please say a prayer for SAFE travels, HEALTHY baby, PROTECTION from germs and the cold, SLEEPY baby and a WIDE AWAKE Daddy who will be manning the vehicle full of precious cargo. I'm nervous about the trip, but the pediatrician has given us the okay. We were advised to not play "pass the baby" at family gatherings, but at least everyone will get to see him. Our younger siblings have yet to meet Graham so that will be special. It's such a sweet time to have a baby and to think about the real meaning of Christmas. I'm so glad I'm not Mary and I didn't have to ride a donkey in my last weeks of pregnancy. And I'm worried about DRIVING! I'm very excited to celebrate the birth of Christ this year, as it is an extra sweet year for our family. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!


The Liller Family said...

He is so freakin' cute!!! I'm sure you won't have any time when you come back here to IN - but if by chance I get to see you and Graham, that would be awesome!!!

I will pray for safe travels for all of you, and I know you already have the best present of all this Christmas season!!!

Merry Christmas - love you guys!!!

Erin said...

Im so glad I know have your blog address. You are going on my favorites :) I know your trip will be very special, but yes, I can see how you are nervous. God will protect little Graham :) I bet he'll do just super! Merry Christmas - I know, isn't it a WHOLE new appreciation this year??

Bethany said...

But he did SO well! Merry Christmas and thanks so much for coming by. WE LOVE YOU!

The Mann Clan said...

Oh Sarah! I've been thinking about you and your road trip. Said lots of prayers for your fam and I can't wait to hear how everything went. Love you!