Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sick Days

I should've known Loey was sick when she cuddled up with me and fell right to sleep.  We were having family movie night, watching "Tangled."

A blurry pic of the boys with their blankets all ready for movie night. 

A few days later...Tucker got the random fever/exhausted bug.  Not going to lie...I don't like it when my babies are sick, but I LOVE the snuggle time. 

Not feeling too hot.  My mom was a huge help and took Graham and Loey for the day so Tucker and I spent the day in a quiet house in the recliner.  Hooray for snuggly naps.  =)

Loey's turn again.  I knew she was sick when she woke up crying from her nap, only to fall immediately back to sleep on me for another hour and a half.  She is a "fish out of water" when she sleeps.  She changes positions so many times!  Loey reminds me of my sister, Becky, in a jallion different ways.  The fish out of water syndrom is definitely one shared with my sis! Becky was such a wiggly sleeper, that I would make Becky sleep on the floor of my room as a child if she ever wanted to sleep with me.  Notice the melting fruit snacks in her hand?  Another sign of the "bug".  Who waits to eat their fruit snacks?

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