Monday, September 17, 2012

Pics from 4th of July/Mt. Air Part 1

These pictures are in random order, but all are from our fabulous family vacation in North Carolina for the 4th of July.  (Yes, I am now posting them in mid-September.  No judging)
We loved to go to the trout pond and feed the fish. Tucker was fascinated with the "waterfall".

My cool dude...

Daddy keeping Loey and Tucker from jumping in the trout pond. You couldn't pay Graham to get in there with those fish!

My mom has our condo decorated with lots and lots of black bears. Loey appreciated every single bear! She loved them!
Daddy's survival face at Pizza Hut. We were only an hour away from Mt. Air on our way there.  Not our favorite day, for sure. 

March, march, march down the path.

Two of the three zonked out on our way there.  Too bad it was a short lived nap.  Tucker had already woken up from his "nap" and I think we played the Veggie Tales movie at least twice in order to keep him quiet while the others slept. 
The fireplace was a perfect place to sit and eat snacks.

How big is Loey and Tucker?  SO BIG!

This picture melts my heart.  They truly do love each other.  =) 

What are bear skins made for?  Snuggling!

My handsome three and a half year old. 

Loey lovin' on some more bears.  She carried one of these little bears around with her most of the time and slept with them at night.
Happy 4th of July!  Loey in her first halter top.  Pretty sure Daddy won't let her wear one once she she can put her own shoes on.  ;)

Popsicles are always a hit with my kids!

 Happy 4th of July!  More Mt. Air pics to come...

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