Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fish, Surgery and Boys Night

In July, we decided to get a "pet" one random evening.  I had to remind Adam to let the kids (well, Graham) pick out the fish and what would go inside the tank.  Adam and I were laughing pretty hard by the end of the night because Adam really wanted Graham to get a big gold fish with a treasure chest.  We ended up with 2 little .99 cent a piece fish and a fire truck plopped in the middle of the tank.  Not exactly what Adam had in mind, but he gave in a and let the kids (eventually) pick out their own fish.  We are now the proud owners of "Mickey and Minnie". Tucker REALLY likes the fish and says "See Shish" quite often. 
Adam was also blessed with a lovely hernia this past spring.  He really felt a change after we moved into our new house around Easter.  We finally found the time to get it fixed in July. The surgery itself wasn't too long and it was outpatient, but the bummer part was he could not lift anything over 10 pds (aka OUR CHILDREN) for 3 weeks!  This pregnant mama was NOT excited about that part.  Adam is a huge help at home, bathing kids, getting them in and out of the car, out of bed in the morning...etc.  Here is a pic of the "sickly patient" getting his IV.  =) 

Post surgery eating his snacks and drinks.  I was hoping to catch a groggy Adam who would say some funny stuff, but he was pretty normal. He just kept asking the same questions and didn't remember anything the nurse told him later on.  He now has a lovely scar on his belly.  I told him with the money we paid for his surgery, we should've just paid for profesional movers.  Lesson learned.

Oh, my Loey Kate.  I mean, this picture says it all about her.  She is on the phone, carrying her purse filled with the goodies of the day and holding her hands all sassy.  She is GIRLY folks and I love it. =)  She likes bows, purses, lotion, make-up, brushes, anything with a cap-like chapstick, and cute animals.  If you tell her she is so pretty, she just smiles and starts twirling a little bit.  She loves to show her Daddy her hair do's and outfits.  She makes my heart smile daily.  I love my daughter! I can't wait to have another one! 
I love my BOYS too!  They decided it was hat day.  Nothing like a random sun hat and train conductor hat to finish off the outfits. 

Graham is growing like a WEED. We took him to buy some new shoes and luckily the shoe store had this fun little "ride" for the twins to play on.  Family errands are quite interesting these days!!!

Graham went to "Boys Night" with Daddy at Gatti Town. I'm not sure who had a better time...Graham...or...


My guess is Daddy from the looks of this picture. 

Graham with Sean and Nathan.

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