Sunday, June 24, 2012

Packing and Gigi's Birthday

The Hubert family is alive!!! SO MUCH has happened between March-June and I'm FINALLY able to breathe a bit and catch up on our blog.  Expect a lot of random posts and pictures but I don't want to forget all the crazy things that happened in these past few months.

Tucker being mischieveous.  =)

 Packing is fun for the kiddos!  OH so stressful for this Mommy! 
 I thought I would lose my mind when packing boxes during the month of March.  Our "junk" was in a go-mini storage unit and so we just had the basics left to pack.  I'm so glad we had packed up half of our stuff already. 

Gigi's birthday was March 12th.  We celebrated with dinner and a homemade "pinata". 

 Graham was in heaven playing Hulabaloo with his favorite people- grandparents and parents!  So much fun!  Happy birthday Gigi!  We sure do love parties. 

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