Tuesday, November 1, 2011


These pics are from a few weeks ago...playing upload catch up for October!!

Adam trying to get the giraffe to lick him. =)

Two cute monkeys!!!

Tucky Bean!

Fun at the zoo with Gigi and Gpa

Loey is quite proud of herself for opening the lid drawer.

What, mom???

The month of October was a lot of fun! I just LOVE fall!  And I really enjoyed my 9 month old babies.  Such a month of growth for both Loey, Tucker and Graham too.  Tucker is still a skinny bean rankng only in the 3rd percentile for weight!  Loey is in the 50th.  =) They both are doing so well and really thriving. I'm so grateful to have healthy babies.  A few funny things about Tucker:  He shakes his head on command, loves to clap, is delighted by pretty much anything.  He is very easy going and content to entertain himself a lot. He melts my heart with his sweet spirit and perfect baby sounds.  He is still the softest person I've ever felt in my laugh- we call it butter skin.  His hair is just like my dad's- super fluffy and fine. 
Loey Kate is my snuggle bug.  She LOVES her Mommy and Daddy but mostly prefers Mommy if I'm available. She can be very delightful or very fussy.  She makes her requests known.  She is very into people and I know she will be my social butterfly.  She likes attention!  She is a mover and a shaker!  She is very active and crawls circles around Tucker.  (Literally)  She is also a poop machine! I think I change her dirty diapers at least 8x a day.  She also loves to clap and laugh at her big brother.  =)
Graham is seriously the most verbal 2 3/4 year old I've ever met!  He loves to talk and his vocabulary is very extensive now.  He likes to learn new words and use them.  He recaps the times when he gets in trouble to Daddy when he gets home.  He is really into reading his kids Jesus Bible at night and will happily share his favorite stories.  He is still a songbird and sings in the car a lot.  Trains, trains, trains!  He is SO into trains right now.  He's hoping Santa will bring him a Thomas the Train table.  He loves the one he plays with at Tri-State so he has high hopes!  Christmas can't come fast enough for him already.  ;) 

Can anyone else believe it's November?!?!  Almost the most wonderful time of the year!

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