Thursday, April 1, 2010


Here is the homemade birthday sign I saw when I went to the fridge for some breaksfast on my b-day. Wouldn't be a special day without something homemade from Adam!

The sign out of the fridge...

Graham making his "funny face". Will do it on command now. =)

Birthday wish! Not telling what it was. =)


The random gifts Adam tried to tease me with from Wal-mart...

Hooray! The real gift!!! Massage here I come!

I am now the big old age of 29! Next year will be my golden year (turning 30 on the 30th), but this is my last year of being in the "twenties". It's strange to think of those "old" 30 year olds that I THOUGHT were old when I was a kid,. Now I see how young 30 is going to be. =) So true that your soul can feel young but the body keeps going up in age! I'm asking God for many, many more years to come!!!