Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekend in Indy...

Oooo I just love 7 month old Graham! He is so squirmy and yummy- I could eat that boy. I think I try to eat his cheeks daily. =) He is doing a lot of new things...eating puffs, Baby Mum Mum, fresh fruit, spinning in circles on his belly, rolling ALL over the place, and belly laughing! He also loves to stand holding onto our fingers. He's one strong baby.

I've been SLOW at updating the blog, so here is a bunch of stuff squished into one entry!

*Graham loves eating fresh fruit in his mesh feeder. He's so big. Do you like his handtowel bib?

We headed up to Indy last weekend to do a million things, but it was a GREAT weekend. Friday we visited the dental school, Prairie Trace to get all my teacher boxes, and then a fun night at the Rockwoods with Life Group 33! Saturday was spent with Brooke, Kurt, and Corbin. SADLY i don't have any pics with them or our other life group friends!!! We loved seeing everyone at BW3's. We sure do miss our Indy friends. It was wonderful to be together again. Here are all the new Mommies with their sweet babes.

Liz, Raeann, and I had a cake that said "good things happen in 3's" to announce that Raeann and I were pregnant last spring. Liz had already announced it- here are the products of those pregnancies! Madeline, Gavin and Graham. Praise God for his little miracles.

Graham sleeping in his "new" Jeep jogging stroller at our church picnic. It was a big weekend. =)

More to come later... =)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Looks like a blast! He's getting SOOOOOOO big!!!!!! I want to eat him up too! Mmmm!