Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Preschool/Moms Trip

In September, Graham started preschool at Friends Forever Preschool.  It has been such a wonderful school for Graham! We love Ms. Michelle and Ms. Beth.  They are instilling such wonderful habits and values and God's love in his heart!  They say he is the model student and such a good boy.  I'm a proud Mama for sure!  Here is a pic of him on his open house day, "First day of school" with Mama there.

Here is a pic of Graham on the real first day of school.  Notice the fear behind his eyes?  He cried and cried when it was time to go in without me, but he did well.  Tears only lasted seconds, so I was told.  I'm so grateful we are so bonded.  He's such a dear, sensitive boy who will have my heart always.  I got a little teary in the car from him being so sad to say bye, but I knew he would just love it. 

I belong to a great club here in Evansville, called Tri-state Mothers of Multiples.  It's such a wonderful support of moms who TRULY get the "crazy" that is my life and theirs.  We spent the night in Nashville and had fun shopping and eating and hanging out without kiddos or hubbies.  Thank you SO MUCH Adam for letting me have the 40 hour break!  We are already looking forward to doing it again next year.  =) 

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