Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Lo-lo Bean and Tuck Tuck!

I'm a little late with the twins' birthday post, but it's been busy at our house!  (Always!)  The twins turned ONE on December 28th, 2011.  It was a great day!  Graham went to play at Gigi's house for a while so Adam and I got to spend some quality time with our birthday girl and boy.  We took them to the mall, ate Chic Fil A, and (birthday tradition) gave Loey and Tucker each a ride on the carousel.  We then raced home for naptime and Adam and I bustled about getting everything ready for the big party!  We did a winter ONE-derland theme and it was so much fun.  We invited family over and it was just perfect.  I wish we took more pics but I always forget to take pics when I'm hosting a party! 

 Pre-cake pics
 Ignore the lady holding the hats on their heads in the background! 

 Someone LOVES all this should have seen everyone, each with their own camera out and ready.  Paparazzi!
I'm ready!!!
 What is that?  Hmmm..
I think I'll touch that light thingy...good thing Mommy didn't let me.
 Getting a little help. The only thing I know how to blow is my hair and food out my mouth!
 Not sure what to think but excited about his big moment.  Each kiddo got to bask in their own birthday song. 
LOVING his first cake!
 Why oh why did Daddy teach them a game where they bonk their heads?  They ALWAYS play it when their hands are messy!
Serious concentration, folks.
Ummm....I think it's bath time! 

We had a wonderful day, but we were exhasuted!  By the end of December, we feel a little "celebrated out."  Between Graham's birthday, Mimi's birthday, Jesus' birthday, and the twins' birthday, we are ready to not have a birthday party for a while.  Who am I kidding though??!  I LOVE DECEMBER and I LOVE celebrating Jesus and my wonderful family. 

I really can't believe that the twins are one now.  Last January, I was thinking, "Will I make it to next January?"  This past year has brought on so many joyful-heart-exploding with love moments, and so many cry-my-eyes-out with exhaustion moments.  God is good, and he picked me to be their Mommy.  I wear that title very proudly.  I seriously think it's the hardest job I've ever had, certainly the one with the most rewards though. 

Loey Kate, you are my GIRL!  My sweet, spirited, Mama-obsessed, snuggle bunny, beautiful, dream come true baby girl.  I honestly think all the time about the fun we are going to have as Mommy and daughter.  You have been a challenging baby, but oh do I love you with everything in me.  I love that you dance everytime you hear ANY amount of music.  I love that your first clear words were Mama and Mommy.  I love that you have a huge appetite and will eat almost anything!  I love that you snuggle and give me kisses.  You are already so verbal and melt my heart when you say, "Hi Tuck" in your cute little voice.  You love your Daddy and brothers so much.  I can already see what a special girl you are. 

Tucker James.  You are my BABY boy!  I will forever call you my baby (even if only by 4 minutes) because you are so little, dear, innocent and precious.  You are my angel boy and your little heart blesses me daily.  You are so smart and I love watching you think things through. You love to imitate the things Daddy and I do.  When you giggle you make everyone around you smile.  I always say that you make two sounds that we could record and sell.  Your giggle is the epitome of "adorable baby laugh", and your high pitched happy scream is honestly the loudest sound I've ever heard any baby make.  I plan to record it and send it to the producers of a horror film.  I think they could use it.  =)  I love having you as my son.  You are so easy going and I think the perfect match for Miss Loey Kate.  She needs a brother like you!  Daddy and I can't wait to see what you become when you get older.  Just not too fast, my sweet baby Tuck Tuck. 


Kanodes said...

OH my goodness, they are already one!! Happy birthday sweet twins! I continue to pray for y'all (and for your 'rents)! :)

Erin said...

I don't know how I missed this post. Loved it. Brought tears to my eyes. Why does it have to go so fast!!!???? They are getting big! Sweet babies. I hope we get to meet them one day!!!