Sunday, January 31, 2010

Graham Update

Sooooo doesn't feel well. :(

A happier day...

Notice the snot?!?!

Chillin while eating a bedtime snack. =)

More, more, more!

Boy, does Graham get the sign language for that now! He's telling me more all the time now. =) So cute, and I can tell he likes having a new "word" with his hands! Have I ever shared how much Graham likes to twirl his hands? He learned how to say "all done" in sign language a month or two ago and he transfers the hand twirling to saying bye and when he wants something. It's pretty darn cute. He also blows kisses now, shows how big he is when asked, puts his hands up when "guns" are pointed at him, claps whenever he hears anyone claping, and points to ears and noses. I know I'm leaving out new tricks but those are the best ones right now. Graham is also becoming so much more verbal lately! This morning in a clear voice he told Adam "yes" when Adam asked him if he wanted some fruit. Normally yes is a "ssss" sound and we got the whole word today! He LOVES to say this, that, Ga (kittygirl), Mum, Dada, Adam, brush, fish, shoes, truck, dog...he understands pretty much whatever we say to him and he gets his point across very well!

He also remembers which activities are fun with each person.

Mommy: singing and dancing to Glee soundtracks, books, tower building
Daddy: guitar, playing with balls, tackling each other, finding belly buttons
Gigi: labeling everything in the house! dancing with singing toys
G-pa: playing the piano and keyboard
Mimi: looking for birds, playing with trucks
Pop: swinging, pinching his nose, and drinking from the water fountain

Graham is still my delight but I think he has a case of the "terrible ones" as well. This boy will very much show his dislike or like for various things and tantrums have occured when he has not received a banana when he wanted one. =) Food is currently being dropped over the high chair and rubbed in his hair just to see what our reaction will be. I tell my son in response 2 things. Mommy and Daddy love him unconditionally, and he is NOT in charge. =) 2 basic rules that this boy will need to know and learn.

For now, we say goodriddens to January, the month of sickness for the Huberts. Graham is bittersweet to say goodbye to the juicy cough since he is loving the amoxicillin, but we are ready for healthy, happy months ahead.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I hope Feb is a month of health for you all! Graham just looks so cute. I love the one where he is "chillin out!"