Monday, September 21, 2009

9 month stats (10 days late!)

My baby boy is 9 months old now and doing just about everything a 9 month old is "supposed" to be doing.

*He is still my big boy weighing in at 21.9 pounds and is 29 1/2 in long!

*Likes army crawling best but will do the "real thing" for a few feet before it's back to the tummy.

*Can sit up from laying down.

*Can pull up to standing.

*LOVES LOVES LOVES to cruise around the furniture and walk holding our hands. Can even take a step or two on his own.
*Uses his pincher finger and thumb quite efficiently! Will examine the tiniest of crumbs. LOVES Baby MumMum crackers, Puffs, and Cheerios.

*Will spend 20 minutes at a time flipping open pages of his books. His peekaboo books and Thomas the Train books are his favorite.

He is keeping his Mommy much busier these days! Gone are the "sit the baby down and let him play on his own" days. He has outgrown the exersaucer, likes his door jumper, thinks the coffee table is his own personal toy space, and wants to touch the Kittygirl any time she will let him (which is pretty much never). He is a happy baby but is having some fussy moments now when things don't go his way or I take away something like the cell phone, laptop, or remote from him. One of his favorite things is when Adam gets home, he plays the guitar for Graham and he just flaps his arms! He loves music. He loves to eat and he has weaned himself from nursing in the past few weeks so we are using a soy formula now and he is happy with that. I was a little sad to give up breastfeeding but happy that we won't have to have a battle later on. He is Mr. Independent and that transfers to his eating habits too!

Adam and I love this boy so much! Life is good and full of love here in this house. =)

1 comment:

Erin said...

He's getting so big!!! I Understand what you mean about - gone are the days where they sit and play. Now it's INTO EVERYTHING!! EVERYTHING! He's such a cutie! I love his Colts gear!