Last week was so much fun! Becky came in on Monday, Anna and Andy flew in on Thursday, Nik (Becky's fiance) flew in on Friday and we all hung out doing fun things all weekend. I helped Becky prepare her pretty wedding invitation labels, worked on fixing her hair for the wedding (pressure!), and just had so much fun watching her with Graham. Becky and Nik hadn't seen Graham since he was only 2 weeks old! 8 months is definitely too long to go without seeing one another. I'm so glad we see them again in October for their wedding!!!
Here we are eating dinner at O'Charley's. Becky is entertaining Graham by putting a little water in his mouth with the straw. He LOVES drinking from a big straw. =) We also let him lick on a cucumber- I wouldn't think he would like it, but he loved it! He acutally threw his first mini fit when we took it away from him. I hope that's not a picture of what's to come.
We had a yummy lunch with Granny and Grandad and Aunt Wilma and Judy got to meet Graham for the first time. He's so smiley and flexible wherever we go. Andy got a little sleepy from traveling and a very early golf game!
Adam and I had our disagreements last week for some reason or another, but that sweet boy surprised me with flowers delivered to our home on Friday morning! Such a treat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sweet husband. =)
Next up- Friday fun in downtown Evansville! We decided to go on a loft tour but it wasn't very good so we just walked around in the 100% humidity and got very sweaty trying to find a restaurant to seat 8 1/2. We ended up picking up pizza and eating at home. =)
Ipod fun anyone?
Last, we lowered Graham's crib 2 days ago because we think he is getting very close to pulling himself up in his bed. He LOVES to stand and hold onto our hands and is taking little steps. He wants to hold onto both index fingers and will fuss if you don't give them to him. He is also a CRAZY arm flapper! When he is excited he just flaps and flaps his arms. He's a little penguin.
AND to give everyone a wonderful lasting image... (I'm in trouble for this one I'm sure).
oh that last pic is hilarious!! glad you got some really great family time in!
Oh I am sure he won't mind that you posted it..afterall HE posed for it! your little babe is sooo easy going, jealous of that :)
oh my gosh... these pictures are hilarious! I need to get them from you!
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