Friday, February 13, 2009

Camera Found...who weighs 14 pounds???

HOORAY for Adam! I sent him on a mission to Graham's room last night to tear it apart and find THE CAMERA. I knew he could do it. =) He found it hiding under the only piece of furniture I failed to look under- the diaper changing table. He became my hero and saved us a lot of money as I was ready to go out and purchase a new camera ASAP. I was missing pictures of my BABY! So, sadly we missed out on pictures of Graham at Mountain Air with his Gigi and Grandpa but they have pictures so maybe they will send those to me! We also missed out on pics of Graham at his Uncle Andy's 30th birthday lunch. :(

So first of all, here are pictures of Graham at 8 weeks old! He was wearing a new outfit and I couldn't get enough pictures of his sweet face. He was playing in his crib and watching his farm animal mobile go round and round.

Yesterday Graham turned 9 weeks old and went to visit his pediatrician. We found out that our healthy boy weighs 14.1 pounds, is 23 1/4 in long, and is doing very well! He's in the 90-95th percentile for weight, 75th for height, and 50th for head circumference. The pediatrician said he's such a strong boy with great head control. He did have to get 3 shots and one oral medication yesterday. He received the oral medicine first and this was his very first taste other than breast milk. He was not a fan! I wish I could have taken a picture of that face. He stuck his tongue out to get the yucky medicine out and was doing little fake coughs to let us know he didn't want to swallow that. Very cute.

THEN came the big bad nurse with the 3 needles! She did them super quick in his little thigh and she said Graham may not even register that they hurt until the 2nd shot, but we got a scream out of him instantaneously! Bless his little heart, he cried so hard and it was a "pain cry" that I had not heard before! It took 5 minutes to get him calmed down to the point where he could nurse. It's great being a Mommy and being able to make the bad things go away! I cherished our day together yesterday because he was fussy and more tired than usual. He wanted his Mommy to just hold him and snuggle. I held him while he slept on me for like 2 hours. It's amazing the awkward positions you will stay in as your arms and neck cramp, but it's worth it for the sweet baby. Here are a few pictures of our 9 week old baby!!! more cute picture from this morning in his "Mountain Shirt". Adam makes fun of me for calling it that, but it has pine trees and weird little reindeer creatures on it...therefore, mountain shirt. =)


Corbin and Quincy said...

love the nude dude pictures...shows off his, ummmm, muscles!

Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

Oh my....he is just too precious! Love those kissable cheeks! Good job feeding that boy, momma! :)

Andrea said...

yay for finding the camera! and how great that he is doing so well! isn't it great being a mommy? he's so adorable. and in these pictures today I saw a little bit of Adam in him!

Erin said...

oh my gosh what a little hambone! such a doll baby. i am so glad you found your camera. i bet you were dying!!!

Christine said...

I love the picture of Graham flexing his biceps!! Too cute!! Arlie likes it too!! :)