Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sayonara Paci's!

Tucker is my independent soul...he is the one still sitting at the table a half hour later finger painting. Now he has moved onto finger painting his body too!  =)  Ahhh, Tucker.  This is the last picture I have of Tucker with his paci!  My mom showed me a really gross article from the newspaper about the reality of the germs inside pacifiers.  Needless to say, I was not the most diligent pacifier washing mama, so I knew their paci's needed to GO!  Plus I was becoming a slave to the pacis.  They were only allowed to have them during naps and bedtime, but they kept getting sick and so I gave in and let them have paci's whenever they wanted, which was all day long.  They would cry for them and I'd go running for the paci, wherever it may be.  Phew.  I took the scissors and snipped every last one. 

Bye bye paci's!  Loey and Tucker both threw them in the trash.  Loey had an easier time saying bye to the paci.  Tucker cried about it for quite some time, but it was worth it!  I snipped them so that way there was no going back.  I knew I might cave in and give it back to them.  So glad I bit the bullet and they were GONE! 
All the Hubert kids seem to be growing up around here. Graham wanted to help me wash the dishes!  This is a habit I want to encourage.  =) 

And finally, a picture of my sweet Emmalee with her sweet buddy, Nola. They don't know it yet, but they are going to be GREAT friends!  Only 2 months apart

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