Thursday, May 20, 2010

My silly boy & outdoor fun!

Pastry brushes are tasty! (One of his kitchen toys!)

Someone realized he was getting his picture taken.

Just the beginning of the wonderful ear tricks Daddy is going to teach him. =) Hubert ears are special I tell ya!


Playing at the 4-H park. One of our favorite things to do on pretty days!

This boy could swing for HOURS!!! I think the longest we pushed him was 45 minutes and we finally got him to play with something else.

Do you see how tense I am? I was so freaked that the fish was going to touch me. Not a fish-touchin' kind of girl. =)

My husband MADE me stand closer to my prize fish. =) At least I caught one...hehe.
They days have been SO MUCH BETTER now that Graham is healthy. I can't emphasize enough how different this child acts when he doesn't feel well. I was breaking out "The Strong Willed Child" book (not knowing he had an ear infection) before he got some antibiotics. He loves amoxicillin and asks for more everytime he takes it.
Graham really has taken a jump this month with his language skills. He is starting to repeat a lot of words when we ask him to. His creations for a few words are so stinking cute and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows what he's saying alot of the time. Some new words this past week are Bible, boy, Barney, balloon, couch, juice, bubbles, bra (Adam's mad I taught him this one) and blackberries (this one is funny to hear!). I'm noticing a "b" pattern, but the funny thing is he calls a bus "dus" and some other "b" words with d's. Go figure. He's proud of himself and I'm so proud of him. Most birds are ducks except for the "cock" we saw at the zoo, peacock that is. He loves to do animal sounds and sounds of anything with a motor. He's obsessed with lawn mowers, trucks, guitars, and drums.
Graham weighs 25 lbs and is wearing size 6 wide shoes! He's a tall boy but still pretty trim. His curly hair gets comments from most check-out workers at grocery stores and shops. I'm a proud mama. Most people don't realize his curly hair comes from me! (I straighten mine most days). 17 months has been a good month (minus 2 weeks of sickness!) It's strange to think June is around the corner and my boy will turn a year and a half!
Life is good.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love reading your blog and seeing all the fun stages that are just around the corner for us!! :) Graham is as cute as ever... so glad that he's feeling better!