Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Graham!

Last weekend was SO MUCH FUN! I was looking forward to Graham's birthday and it really was awesome. First, we were able to celebrate that we made it one whole year as parents and that our child is not only alive, but thriving! It was such a trip down memory lane for me as I kept remembering the labor process on Dec. 11 2008. I think Dec 11 2009 was much easier! Graham's birthday fell on a Friday (adam's day off) so we opened presents in the morning and then headed to the mall for some fun in the afternoon! Graham made his first build-a-bear, a horse named "Colt". He was frightened of the stuffing machine but fell in love with the little stroller to push his horse around in, so he was "surprised" after his nap with a blue stroller for pushing his animals around. Daddy says no dolls thnough. That night we went to Red Robin and celebrated in a kid-friendly, noisy restaurant and Graham was in heaven because he got a balloon.

Let the birthday fun begin!

He peed himself BIG TIME in wal-mart, so on a FREEZING cold day Graham got to ride home in the nude, with socks of course. Hey- a birthday suit for the birthday boy!

Red Robin Dinner!

Graham and I love our newest "family" member, Jennifer. Such a good friend!!!!!

Decorating sugar cookies into the wee hours of the morning for party favors.
On Saturday at noon, we had a balloon birthday party for Graham. He LOVES balloons and it was such a fun theme! The guests all brought Graham a balloon to keep. He was in heaven. =)

Part of the Birthday party crew! chili and sandwiches for lunch!

G-pa and Daddy.

Playing with Pop and my balloons at my balloon party!

My Sweet one year old baby in his birthay shirt.

Graham really liked opening his presents! He was a pro by the end!

A basketball goal!!

Mommy helped with the tricky pieces.

After presents it was cake time! Mommy helped blow out my candles. The only thing I know how to blow is my bangs!

Here we go...

He liked his cake, but wasn't sure about the crowd gathered around all holding cameras! ha!

Balloon Cake from Donut Bank. Y.u.m.m.y.

Graham loves his Daddy!

An after-party birthday snuggle with Mommy, althought I wanted down to play!
We had a super, special weekend and I feel so incredibly blessed to be Graham's Mommy. It is a title I wear proudly!

I love you Sugie.


Erin said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby boy! I love the balloon party. What a great idea!! So much fun! Glad he had a very special day!

Lindsay said...

Such cute pictures! I love the balloon idea and it looks like Graham did too! Great job, Sarah and Adam... can't believe your little boy is one. :)