Friday, January 30, 2009

Daddy earns brownie points...or donut points! this is what I wake up to this morning! I fed Graham in our room and then came out to the best surprise. If anyone knows me, they know I LOVE donuts and I've been craving them since Graham has been born. I had not given in to the donut impulse myself but my sweet husband bought me donuts!!! Woo-hoo! Now I don't have to feel guilty eating a "gift". =) I guess he likes the extra baby weight on me, hehe. Thank you sweet husband! You are a great Daddy!!!

My good friend, Krista, and her husband, Scott, were driving through our area and stopped by for a visit!!! It was SO good to catch up for a bit and let her meet my sweet son. We loved seeing the Kanodes and look forward to another visit this spring!!!

These pictures were just CUTE! And they showed off the very large, pot belly that my son is sporting. He's showing off his he-man muscles in this last shot. He is such a joy! Sometimes I wonder if he'll have any skin left at the end of the day because I've kissed him so stinking much! Nothing is so kissable as your own baby's cheek! Being a Mom has challenges but it has so many rewards too. God, I thank you for my best earthly gift yet- GRAHAM!

AND, if you want to see some AWESOME shots of Graham, then visit our good friend Andrew Bryant's blog... He is an amazing photographer with a true gift! He took some amazing shots of Graham that I will treasure always!


Erin Pongratz said...

Go ADAM! It was McD's ice cream for me. Awe... love all the pics...hey we have video cam too we should skype sometime...thats so great! luv your blog.

Erin said...

The ones on the couch of him with his big eyes are my favorite - then again, they are ALL so adorable. What great shots. :) Look at his huge belly!!!!! I love it :) Glad he's doing so well and I know you enjoyed the donut. Let's chat soon! :) Do you have my number?