Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 Fun Things About Graham

10 Fun Things About Graham...

1. He loves bathtime (except when we stop pouring warm water on his body!)
2. He hates being naked...brrr Mommy and Daddy!
3. The car seat must give out sleep potion, because it's a guaranteed naptime whether he needs it or not!
4. He becomes a smiley boy when he wakes up in the morning. Such a pleasant way to start the day!
5. He started to take naps in his crib this week, but is still sleeping in his bassinet in our room at night.
6. He CAN sleep 5 hours in the night if he wants to. Sometimes he likes to party though at 3:00am. We are currently discussing how Mommy is not a good partier at 3:00am. She is much more fun at 10:00am!!!
7. He has officially grown out of his newborn size clothes. We had to give them up when his little legs wouldn't stretch out in the sleepers.
8. He LOVES to stretch- my absolute favorite face is his "stretch face". If you ever get to see it...be prepared to melt. =)
9. The sound machine is a BLESSING and puts Graham into a sleep trance when it's nap time.
10. Graham likes his Kittygirl! He'll watch her and Kittygirl will watch right back. They are buddies already. =)


Corbin and Quincy said...

I bet mommy could list 100 fun things about her little man!

Erin Pongratz said...

AWWE I love your blog...he's so cute...I wish I could hold your little Graham...Miss you guys!