Thursday, January 8, 2009

4 weeks old!

A typical day for Graham...well, so far there is no typical! =) Yesterday he was determined to stay awake and not miss a thing. Today he's making up for lost nap time. He's sleeping in his bouncer like a champ and I'm taking advantage of every minute and doing crazy things like showering! It's so much fun to watch Adam get home from work and dash over to his little boy. He loves holding him and says over and over, "Man, what a good looking kid! I love Grahamer Tots-he's so cute." He's very proud of his boy, although I think Graham hurt his feelings a bit last night when he wouldn't stop crying, and then I held him and he was a happy little clam. But by the end of the night he was over-tired and finally crashed at 11:00pm. GET THIS...he slept until 4:30am! We both woke up at 8:30am, rested and ready for the day. I'm hoping he continues to sleep well in the night. He seems to like his pack n play a lot better than his crib at the moment. I think he's just used to it. I'm not sure when we'll make the big move to the nursery!
Well I'm going to go check on my little booger- who is still sleeping in the bouncer in the bathroom. Oh and thanks to Erin for helping me realize that you can post pics on THIS side of the blog, hehe. I'm a little blog-challenged but I'm learning.

Happy 4 weeks my sweet son! I love you!

Christmas Day!

1 comment:


Congratulations! I had no idea you were even pregnant!! I guess all those hugs from Kenney worked