Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Christmas and New Year Blur!

Meeting Grandad and Granny for the first time. Four Generations Represented!

A Very happy Hubert family

No words needed for these two guys in their onesies.

Well, I apologize for the late posting BUT we've had a little someone on our hands to take care of, and anyone who has ever had a little one most likely understands! First of all, thank you very much to everyone who said a prayer for our safe travel to IN. It was a success! Graham was a wonderful traveler and only blew out 1 diaper into his car sear (granted it was the first stop we made). He slept like a champ every time the car started to move. I am now an expert at nursing and changing diapers on my lap in fast food parking lots. Adam was a very safe driver and the trip went relatively quickly. It was wonderful being able to spend the night with the Roe's in Nashvillle (thank you Jordan and Bethany) and it finally felt like Christmas as we pulled into Evansville on Christmas Eve. God is good and I'm so grateful for the safe trip and a healthy baby. Graham met so many new people in Evansville including his Great Granny and Grandad, Becky, Aunt Laura, Uncle David, Becky's significant other, Nik, and many extended family members and friends. It was a special Christmas and one I'm sure our family won't forget. We traveled back to NC on New Year's Eve, although our plans were altered for the better. We planned to stop at my parents condo near Asheville NC as our stopping point on the drive home. Well, my parents decided to stay at Mountain Air (condo) for a few days so my dad would be flying in his plane there. We decided that Graham and I would fly with my parents there since it's only an hour and a half flight vs. a 7 hour drive with 2-3 stops, making it a 10 hour drive! So Adam left Evansville in our car and I flew to Asheville. I was nervous about our little family being separated but God protected us all! We even arrived in Asheville within 20 minutes of one another. We ventured out to eat for the first time since Dec 11th and that was exciting! Graham got many oodling stares from onlookers and Adam and I were the smiling, proud parents.

We are now home and settling back into a routine. Graham has had a fussy morning, but we think it's just gas and a little diaper rash bugging him. He has also started this new thing called "spitting up" that can be surprising if you aren't ready for it! =) Adam goes back to work tomorrow and Graham and I are sad to lose our VERY WONDERFUL and HELPFUL Daddy. I know we will both look forward to him coming home each night! Our big plans today include attempting to attend night church and possibly his first real bath! His umbilical cord fell off at exactly 3 weeks while I was changing his diaper in a Wendy's parking lot on our way home on New Year's Day. This boy likes to meet milestones exactly on target! That's my boy! =)


Corbin and Quincy said...

funny that when i talked with didn't tell me you FLEW!! glad you are home safe..can't wait to come out there..give me the dates :)
"Sorry they took a picture of you while you were pooping" from Corbin

Anonymous said...

Wow. So I get to look forward to "blown out" baby diapers. :) He is so cute guys, he definitely takes after Sarah and not Adam! Take care guys. We love you three!!

Erin said...

LOVE the blow outs :) HA HA HA!! So glad you had a blast. We were just watching home videos tonight and watched For Unto Ya'll. Nice :) Ps - just an FYI - do you know you can post pics on your post? You don't have to do them on the side. You can also make slideshows at and past the code onto a post and then show lots of pics at a time. Just an FYI if you care or wanted to know. Or maybe you already know:)

Erin said...

Hi! :) Okay, so you go to post and then on the top of where you post their is a pic of a picture I think. Yes, it's next to the spell check. It looks like a landscape pic. Okay, so you click it and from there you click on the choose file button to pick a picture from your computer (the pics you have stored on there). You can click the button above to "add another pic" to do multiples. I think it will let you do like 5 at a time, but if you have more than 5 you can just post, then edit your post and add more. Make sense? You can also go to and make a slideshow. Itw ill give you a code and you copy/paste the code in the post and your slideshow will show up once you click PUBLISH. If you choose the option "NONE" for positioning your picture it will allow you to type above and below each pic (if you want to add a caption or something). I hope this helps!!!!

Bethany said...

So glad everything went well Sarah! We love you guys so much!