Friday, January 30, 2009

Daddy earns brownie points...or donut points! this is what I wake up to this morning! I fed Graham in our room and then came out to the best surprise. If anyone knows me, they know I LOVE donuts and I've been craving them since Graham has been born. I had not given in to the donut impulse myself but my sweet husband bought me donuts!!! Woo-hoo! Now I don't have to feel guilty eating a "gift". =) I guess he likes the extra baby weight on me, hehe. Thank you sweet husband! You are a great Daddy!!!

My good friend, Krista, and her husband, Scott, were driving through our area and stopped by for a visit!!! It was SO good to catch up for a bit and let her meet my sweet son. We loved seeing the Kanodes and look forward to another visit this spring!!!

These pictures were just CUTE! And they showed off the very large, pot belly that my son is sporting. He's showing off his he-man muscles in this last shot. He is such a joy! Sometimes I wonder if he'll have any skin left at the end of the day because I've kissed him so stinking much! Nothing is so kissable as your own baby's cheek! Being a Mom has challenges but it has so many rewards too. God, I thank you for my best earthly gift yet- GRAHAM!

AND, if you want to see some AWESOME shots of Graham, then visit our good friend Andrew Bryant's blog... He is an amazing photographer with a true gift! He took some amazing shots of Graham that I will treasure always!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where have 6 weeks gone???

MAMMOTH BABY!!! So Friday morning Graham and I went to the dr and he is 12 pounds!!! I can't believe my 6 week old baby is already 12 pounds. I was going to guess somewhere between 10 and 11 pounds..but 12??? I'm glad that he's just doing so well though- I don't need to worry if that boy is getting enough food! The pot belly is coming out and even little wrist rolls. You know you have a little extra chunk if your WRISTS are responding!

Graham is really becoming more active and SMILEY! For some reason when he lays on the diaper changing table he just smiles and smiles. I think it's the perfect height for him to see our faces. His happiest times are in the morning after he feeds and then around 5:30 after he feeds. The magic equation: food+clean diaper+Mommy/Daddy's full attention=Happy Boy!

We've also had fun skyping with the grandparents! If anyone has a webcam and wants to skype sometime, just say the word!

Yesterday Graham had his nastiest diaper to date! Adam called me in to show off Graham's handy work. Let's say I did a little gagging and usually a little poop from my son doesn't even phase me. It was immediately bath time which he is liking once he is in the water and not naked and cold!

We are getting into a pretty good pattern and I can happily say he's sleeping a consistent 5-6 hours a night now! We are waking up 2x to feed but it's so much better and easier for him to fall asleep. He can soothe himself back to sleep now that we've been working on that! I think I'm also so tired that I fall back asleep much better than at first.

Last, but not least...the first "baby", sweet Kittygirl! =) Haha. She's been SO good with Graham and I think she finally knows that when I say"baby" that I'm not referring to her. Kittygirl still has a first love though...YOGURT!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 Fun Things About Graham

10 Fun Things About Graham...

1. He loves bathtime (except when we stop pouring warm water on his body!)
2. He hates being naked...brrr Mommy and Daddy!
3. The car seat must give out sleep potion, because it's a guaranteed naptime whether he needs it or not!
4. He becomes a smiley boy when he wakes up in the morning. Such a pleasant way to start the day!
5. He started to take naps in his crib this week, but is still sleeping in his bassinet in our room at night.
6. He CAN sleep 5 hours in the night if he wants to. Sometimes he likes to party though at 3:00am. We are currently discussing how Mommy is not a good partier at 3:00am. She is much more fun at 10:00am!!!
7. He has officially grown out of his newborn size clothes. We had to give them up when his little legs wouldn't stretch out in the sleepers.
8. He LOVES to stretch- my absolute favorite face is his "stretch face". If you ever get to see prepared to melt. =)
9. The sound machine is a BLESSING and puts Graham into a sleep trance when it's nap time.
10. Graham likes his Kittygirl! He'll watch her and Kittygirl will watch right back. They are buddies already. =)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

4 weeks old!

A typical day for Graham...well, so far there is no typical! =) Yesterday he was determined to stay awake and not miss a thing. Today he's making up for lost nap time. He's sleeping in his bouncer like a champ and I'm taking advantage of every minute and doing crazy things like showering! It's so much fun to watch Adam get home from work and dash over to his little boy. He loves holding him and says over and over, "Man, what a good looking kid! I love Grahamer Tots-he's so cute." He's very proud of his boy, although I think Graham hurt his feelings a bit last night when he wouldn't stop crying, and then I held him and he was a happy little clam. But by the end of the night he was over-tired and finally crashed at 11:00pm. GET THIS...he slept until 4:30am! We both woke up at 8:30am, rested and ready for the day. I'm hoping he continues to sleep well in the night. He seems to like his pack n play a lot better than his crib at the moment. I think he's just used to it. I'm not sure when we'll make the big move to the nursery!
Well I'm going to go check on my little booger- who is still sleeping in the bouncer in the bathroom. Oh and thanks to Erin for helping me realize that you can post pics on THIS side of the blog, hehe. I'm a little blog-challenged but I'm learning.

Happy 4 weeks my sweet son! I love you!

Christmas Day!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Christmas and New Year Blur!

Meeting Grandad and Granny for the first time. Four Generations Represented!

A Very happy Hubert family

No words needed for these two guys in their onesies.

Well, I apologize for the late posting BUT we've had a little someone on our hands to take care of, and anyone who has ever had a little one most likely understands! First of all, thank you very much to everyone who said a prayer for our safe travel to IN. It was a success! Graham was a wonderful traveler and only blew out 1 diaper into his car sear (granted it was the first stop we made). He slept like a champ every time the car started to move. I am now an expert at nursing and changing diapers on my lap in fast food parking lots. Adam was a very safe driver and the trip went relatively quickly. It was wonderful being able to spend the night with the Roe's in Nashvillle (thank you Jordan and Bethany) and it finally felt like Christmas as we pulled into Evansville on Christmas Eve. God is good and I'm so grateful for the safe trip and a healthy baby. Graham met so many new people in Evansville including his Great Granny and Grandad, Becky, Aunt Laura, Uncle David, Becky's significant other, Nik, and many extended family members and friends. It was a special Christmas and one I'm sure our family won't forget. We traveled back to NC on New Year's Eve, although our plans were altered for the better. We planned to stop at my parents condo near Asheville NC as our stopping point on the drive home. Well, my parents decided to stay at Mountain Air (condo) for a few days so my dad would be flying in his plane there. We decided that Graham and I would fly with my parents there since it's only an hour and a half flight vs. a 7 hour drive with 2-3 stops, making it a 10 hour drive! So Adam left Evansville in our car and I flew to Asheville. I was nervous about our little family being separated but God protected us all! We even arrived in Asheville within 20 minutes of one another. We ventured out to eat for the first time since Dec 11th and that was exciting! Graham got many oodling stares from onlookers and Adam and I were the smiling, proud parents.

We are now home and settling back into a routine. Graham has had a fussy morning, but we think it's just gas and a little diaper rash bugging him. He has also started this new thing called "spitting up" that can be surprising if you aren't ready for it! =) Adam goes back to work tomorrow and Graham and I are sad to lose our VERY WONDERFUL and HELPFUL Daddy. I know we will both look forward to him coming home each night! Our big plans today include attempting to attend night church and possibly his first real bath! His umbilical cord fell off at exactly 3 weeks while I was changing his diaper in a Wendy's parking lot on our way home on New Year's Day. This boy likes to meet milestones exactly on target! That's my boy! =)