Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meet Emmalee Claire

Birth Story of Miss Emmalee Claire:
We woke up on Monday, November 19th after a restless night of sleep for me.  I wasn't having too many Braxton Hicks contractions like many nights that week, but just couldn't sleep and was uncomfortable.  We got up and we were motivated to finish decorating for Christmas.  Adam has Monday's off so he was home to head up this Christmas extravaganza.  Our house was a Christmas disaster zone but we really wanted to get our decorations up before I was going to be induced on Wednesday.  My sisters and brothers in law were flying into town on Tuesday so this was the day to get it done!  We were working away, and during breakfast I began to have some contractions.  These felt different to me, but I didn't want to "sound the alarm" if it was false labor.  At about 10:00am I told Adam I thought I was having contractions.  He had a meeting at 1:00pm so he told me to decide if this was "IT" or not bc he needed to cancel his meeting.  I was nervous to tell him that it was (even though I was pretty sure they were the real deal).  I jumped into hyper drive and began cleaning like a mad lady to get our house "ready" for whoever was going to stay with the kids.  I began timing the contractions and hoped in the shower at noon.  I told Adam to cancel his meeting and after my shower, he put the kids down for naps and we called our moms.  My mom thought I was going to cough my baby out in about 5 min from when I called, but I told her not to rush to the hospital.  She didn't listen and got a good, long wait with us there, hehe.  My mom ended up coming to our house until Joyce could get here so we could go to the hospital.  We got there around 2:00pm and I was 4 1/2 cm.  I was so glad that it was the real thing and I wasn't going to be sent home!  I was 39 weeks and 3 days and so glad to be going into labor on my own.

I got in my hospital room and found out that my friend from my Mothers of Multiples group was going to be my labor and delivery nurse!  SO fun!  She stayed at the hospital just for me.  =) I'm so glad she did! 
 We waited a while to see what my body was going to do, but it wasn't dilating quickly. I got my epidural around 3:00pm, and at 6:00pm Dr. Ramsey came down and broke my water.  That got things moving a little more quickly.  I dilated from 7-10 cm in 45 min from 8:00-8:45.  My blood pressure kept dropping so I did get a little medicine to help keep me pumping, but other than that it was a smooth process.  I LOVE EPIDURALS!  Sooooooooo nice to be pain-free while in active labor.  =)  It was almost boring in the hospital waiting for this little lady to arrive.  My mom and Adam were there the whole time.  Laura joined us soon after and then my dad and Luke came right before I delivered Emmalee.  We had Luke head to the hallway (no brother in law needs to see THAT) and then Rachel had me do a "practice push", and she told me to stop! They could see her little head! I was so excited, knowing this was going to be a speedy process. We called Dr. Ramsey down at almost 9:00pm.  It always amazes me how quickly you go from just laying there, to "It's time to push!".  Adam put on a gown because he was going to deliver the baby with the help of Dr. Ramsey.  I pushed 3 times and Emmalee was out!!!  Tears of gratitude to God streamed down my face as I looked at my sweet girl.  She was so cute and pretty and looked so much like baby Graham!  It's AMAZING having your baby that was JUST in your tummy laid directly on your chest seconds after coming out.  I knew this little lady was my dream come true when I saw her. 

Rachel and I just after delivery!

Emmalee Claire was 7 lbs 15oz and 19 inches long, born at 9:08pm.  She's our first baby without the Hubert "butt-chin" and her cheeks are so round and full, like her Mommy's. 

I've been on cloud 9 since having this surprise blessing.  It's amazing that I bawled my eyes out in worry and stress when I found out that I was pregnant.  Nothing in this world could make me give up my girl now.  I can't wait to see what plans the Lord has for her. 
Having just one baby after having twins seems like no big deal.  I love that I get to hold her and care for her every need.  I adore my children and feel special that I am a Mommy of twins, but being a Mommy to just one baby again seems like a breeze.  I am truly enjoying it.  =)  We finally went to "bed" at 2:00am but I had a hard time sleeping.  Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I kept thinking about my sweet girl.

Emmalee was born on a Monday.  I was born on a Monday too.  Will she be like her mama? 

1 comment:

Krista said...

You made me cry, girl! Thrilled for you! You know you're a hero
of mine, right? Four? And 2 of which are twins? Prayers and hugs!