Sunday, April 28, 2013

The twins are TWO!

December 28th, 2012
Happy 2nd Birthday Loey and Tucker! 
I would love to say that it was a special, glorious day...but it wasn't.  We were in a hazy fog after just losing sweet Brady the night before, yet didn't want to totally neglect the twins on their birthday so we headed to do some birthday traditions at the mall. It was an INSANELY busy day at the mall with after Christmas sales, but we managed to each some Chic Fil A and do the traditional merry go round ride.  Loey was SO excited about it and as soon as she sat down on the horse, she freaked!  Loey, Emmalee and I watched Tucker, Daddy, and Graham ride.  We hardly took any pictures.  :(  I regret this, but once again, we were not functioning normally. I'm so glad we decided that we were going to have 1/2 birthday parties for the twins since their birthday was only 3 days after Christmas.  So, we are actually gearing up for a birthday party for Loey and Tucker sometime in June.  They are already excited about it and frankly, I am too!  We need a summer birthday celebration in this family.  =) 

The freakout...

blurry phone pics of Tucker!

Birthday dinner at home that night...good picture, right?? 

Gigi popped over to say happy birthday to the twins on their real birthday.  =) 

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