Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Matey, argh, Graham!

Graham really likes "Jake and the Neverland Pirates", so we have had many pirate themed activites this year, including his 4th b-day party.  That was money well spent on that Halloween outfit! 
Graham's party had to be post-poned one week because of our RSV fiasco with Loey and Emmalee but we had a successful party a week later! 

I love that he is now of an age where he really loves his friends.  We have been blessed with some awesome little guys around the same age and we love their families too! 

Graham's actual birthday was a chaotic day, but we tried to make it special for our little man.  Pancake breakfast, preschool, lunch at the mall, traditional bday carousel ride, chose an accessory from Build a Bear, played in the playplace, and ate dinner at Gatti-town!  I love my Graham Heston Hubert so incredibly much.  What a fun first "baby" he has been!!! He loves when I play a game and pretend that he is my baby until I look at his hands and feet and see that he has been replaced by a big boy!  How long with he think this is hilarious?  How long will he want me to snuggle him in his bed at night?  How long will he want me to sing Christmas carols to him year round?  Being his Mom has been a gift that I could not thank God enough for.  Graham, you are a SPECIAL, incredibly smart, big boy and I love who God made you to be. 

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