Friday, November 16, 2012

October 31, 2012

ACTUAL Halloween day!  It was flippin' COLD outside so we modified the twins' pirate outfits to warmer options. 
 Ready to trick or treat!

 Who is that crazy lady in the green coat that doesn't fit?  Oh, it's the super pregnant Mom who is bossing orders to her kids!
My sweet Monkey boy.  He loved being in that monkey outfit.  =)

 Once they realized they had treats in their buckets, they wanted to sit and eat.  Can't blame them. 

See Tucker's chocolate mouth?  Why, thank you Graham.  =)
Graham can be SO sweet with the twins.  He can also wrestle them to the ground with no mercy in sight.  He plays the role of big brother very well (most of the time).  All in all, he is adored by his little sister and brother.  They call him Gam. 

Now it's time to hide the candy from my kids and slowly consume it myself.  =)  A lady actually asked me if it was okay to give candy to the twins.  Heck yea!  That candy is for me!!!

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