Monday, June 21, 2010


To say Graham was excited to give Adam his Father's Day gifts is a big understatement! He couldn't wait to give them to Daddy and help open them. =) It was an exciting way to wake up Daddy in bed. Daddy got a new shirt/tie combo for work, some workout underarmour gear, and (of course) a Star Wars shirt from

After presents and pancakes, off to church and naps at home and then family time! What a great day! Graham and Adam even got to sit in a HUGE "guck". So much fun!

Daddy- I love you more than Mommy has the words to type for me. If I could choose anyone to play with, I would choose you everytime. You take such great care of Mommy and me. We can feel your love everyday. I feel it when we wrestle, I feel it when you play guitar for me and I dance, I feel it when you get me out of my crib and have my monkey "get" me, I feel it when we read books, I feel it when you choose me over anything else! I just know you love me and I love you SOOOOOOO much Daddy! You are the best Daddy in the world! Mommy thinks so too!!! I can't wait for all of our fun to continue for years and years. You are my buddy. Love you Daddy!

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